The Difference between T KING Crane Diesel and Petrol Engine

The difference between T KING truck crane diesel engine and gasoline engine:

(1) The fuel consumption of gasoline engine is greater than that of diesel engine.

The higher the content of carbon atoms, the more energy it contains after combustion. Therefore, the fuel consumption of gasoline engine is greater than that of diesel engine under the same power supply.

(2) The ignition modes of gasoline engine and diesel engine are different.

The gasoline engine is ignited by electric spark, the ignition point of gasoline is low, and the fuel mixture is ignited by using the voltage difference caused by the gap between spark plugs.
Diesel engine uses compression ignition to ignite at high temperature for engine work.

(3) Emissions.

A gasoline engine produces carbon monoxide, carbon oxides and nitrogen oxides when it burns sufficiently.

Diesel engine fuel is diesel. The exhaust gas contains not only nitrogen oxides but also black carbon particles, which pollute the air greatly.

Quality: Diesel Engine > Gasoline Engine

Gasoline engines are generally used in household cars, which generally require light body weight and low fuel consumption. So some cars now use aluminium engines and intake manifolds are made of hard plastics to reduce engine load.